How to find us

The address of the Church is Bernard Street, Sheffield, S2 5PU

We have a steep driveway to a car park just off Bernard Street which has limited parking.

Alternatively you can park in the car park behind the flats that are at the very top of the church grounds (see here). That means you are about a one-minute walk away from the church. To access that car park from Bernard Street turn on to Cricket Inn Road. Then take the first major right turn on to Maltravers Road; and after a few hundred yards turn right again on to St. John’s Street. Follow this road to the very end and park as close to the end of the car park as you can to be close to the church. Follow the public footpath through the old churchyard to get to the church.

Alternatively there are good public transport links. We have a tram stop right next to our church – Hyde Park tram stop.