What we do

Sunday Gathering

Our Sunday gathering happens every Sunday at 10:45am and is for all people of all ages.

This gathering helps us to learn to hear from God and do what he says.

Our Sunday gathering is informal, interactive, all age, with contemporary worship songs.

A gathering for everyone.

Messy Church

We are changing the way we do Messy church.

There will not be a gathering every month. We will be having more specific events based around the church year.  There will still be lots of craft activities that are linked to a theme and help us learn a little more about Jesus. There may be songs, sometimes we will have games and there will be refreshments.

Please keep looking here or on the Facebook page for more details about the next events.

Mid week online prayers and Sunday prayers

Join us or let us know the things you’d like us to pray for. We meet each Monday – Friday at 8.00am for 30 minutes. Zoom Meeting number is 323 564 9987 and passcode 483559.

We also meet on the first Sunday of the month from 10.00 – 10.30 in the church building before the service. All are welcome. 

Mid Week Connect Groups

This is where we– Seek God in prayer and in reading the Bible  (UP)– Support and encourage each other (IN)– Serve the local community (OUT)Speak to Luke Graham if you would like to join one.

Food Bank

When: Every Monday 10am - 12pm
Where: St John’s Park, Bernard Street, S2 5PU
Who: Anyone with a referral from a support worker or agency

The St John’s Park food bank is provided in collaboration with Sheffield Food and Community Trust and Trussell.
The food bank is accessible by referral only, and provides an emergency parcel for those in food crisis.

At the food bank, we offer support with more than just food; Citizens Advice and Debt Support workers are available during the food bank session for those with referrals.

To request a referral for a food parcel call either:

Help Through Hardship
08082082138 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Translators available


Citizens Advice Sheffield
08082787820 Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
Select option 4 for Advice Line


Sheffield S6 helpline
0114 321 0733 Monday to Friday 10am-1pm

If you are interested in volunteering at our food bank, please contact Hannah Graham for more information: hannah@saintjohnspark.org