Photo of Revd Luke Graham Curate in Charge

Revd Luke Graham is the Curate in Charge.

You can contact him on

Telephone 07538 172907

Photo of Catherine Rooker-Brown

Catherine Rooker-Brown is our Operations Manager.  She undertakes most of the administration for St John’s and takes care of the building.  You can contact her on :-

Telephone: 07392 087529

Photo of Kirsty Dronfield

Kirsty Dronfield is our Centenary Project Children and Families’ Leader.

You can contact her on:-

Find out more about the Centenary Project here

Photo of Faustina Nyame

Faustina Nyame is one of our churchwardens.

Elizabeth (Bess) Cooper is our other churchwarden and she is also a Lay Reader.